Monday, June 25, 2007

Requiem for a Dream

Does it ever make you wonder
why some people are just passing through
those that you long to hold on to, just for a lifetime longer
choose to engulf you in their cloak of warmth, only to bid adieu

You marvel at the magic they’ve weaved over you
leaving you enthralled and entwined in its magnificent splendor
but only to turn all that golden brilliance to hues of dark blue
leaving the canvas unfinished with no masterpiece rendered

The random forces of destiny conspire to give you temporary wings
leaving you in total awe of its undecipherable patterns
random acts of kindness perhaps, these littlest things
but powerful and intense like an eternal glow from an unquenchable lantern

You then try and learn to admire without desiring, as a wise man said
and so you try and untie those gleaming fetters of possession
but then paranoia strikes to leave you cowering in apprehension and dread
as you are all too aware of the cruel smirks of Time’s undulations

Does it ever make you wonder
why some people are just passing through
perhaps they were only meant to make you ponder
what could have been if only marvelous dreams came true


Anonymous said...

deep thought evokin the magic of relationship...
real ponder....

Arun Ramkumar said...

Thanks Srinath..

Dee said...

Random forces o destiny...yea...but rn't v told by some tat destiny s wut v make out o it?by admiring and desiring...u only make urself more human...guess tats y they say 2 err s human... makes me wonder.

Unknown said...

I completely relate to this post...wrt to some person..every word is so true! Like they say people come into your life as a reason, season or for lifetime...but those who come for a reason are the ones who give life that paradigm it in circumstances or in perception!

Arun Ramkumar said...

@Richa: very true...thanks for the comment !