Friday, March 2, 2007

Redemption song

Redemption seems far away
but fate looks right this way
I've been running like hell
aint counting the times I fell
Its just me and the road
nothings gonna leave me floored

no ones after me,and theres no one I'm after
when I look away,I hear manic laughter
I'm losing my grip on reality
my eyes glazing with insanity
someone better have me caged
I'm a wounder tiger,enraged

I aint committed no crime
yet I'm treated like grime
they think they're so clean
lookit the roles they feign
surrounded by people so blind
in a web they've got 'em entwined

they're full of crap and deceit
they lie shamlessly thru their teeth
but I've seen their true colors
all a bunch of oarless scullers
I'll make sure they sink to the bottom
of that river,and I'll yell "got 'em"

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